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劳伦·克莱顿 lauren@cfematico.com


萨那 raises additional $28m led by NEA to build the universal AI platform for the enterprise

The Swedish-born 萨那 scaleup becomes one of Europe’s most highly-funded AI companies with $62M in total Series B funding

萨那, 领先的bwin足球平台学习和知识平台, 今天宣布在由NEA领投的一轮机会投资中又获得了2800万美元. Workday Ventures也加入了这轮融资. B轮融资总计6200万美元, 这家瑞典公司现在是资金最雄厚的bwin足球平台公司之一.

萨那的使命是通过bwin足球平台来增强人类的智能. 为此目的, the company has built a category-defining product that blends the best of enterprise search, 学习管理系统, 会议工具, 并将一个知识管理系统整合到一个单一的平台中.

支撑这套工具的是该公司最新发布的萨那 AI. 萨那 AI is an omnipresent assistant that can do everything from search across all your company's apps and take actions in response to natural language commands to generating real-time summaries of live meetings and creating entire learning courses from scratch, 编写SQL来查询数据. 换句话说,它就像ChatGPT为您的公司的知识.

通过增强组织的捕获能力, 组织, 并通过bwin足球平台在每一步获取知识, 萨那 enables any team to move faster and be more productive—from sales and customer support teams to product specialists and software engineers.

“在萨那, we believe every organization's mission depends on the collective intelligence of its employees. 智力取决于知识, 然而,今天的大多数机构知识分散在多种工具中, 困在人们的脑海里, 迷失在口头对话中. bwin足球平台是大规模解决这一问题的关键. 通过为任何组织中的每个员工解锁知识, 我们开启了全球进步,乔尔·赫勒马克说, 萨那的创始人兼首席执行官. "We're thrilled to have the support from NEA and strategic investors like Workday Ventures on this mission."

当NEA主动提出收购要约时,萨那并没有在寻求融资. The scaleup had a healthy runway having closed a $34m Series B round led by Menlo Ventures last December. One of the reasons for the additional investor interest is commercial performance: 萨那 has grown its business 3x year over year.

NEA will be represented on 萨那's board by CEO Scott Sandell and Managing Director Philip Chopin. 自1996年加入NEA以来, 桑德尔在许多行业转型企业中发挥了关键作用, 包括当罗宾汉, Salesforce, Tableau软件, 和工作日.

“萨那过去的记录和目前的轨迹都是例外的. 感谢顶尖人才, 大胆的设想, 以及罕见的组织一致性, 我们相信他们已经建立了一个世界级的学习和知识平台. But what excites us most is where 萨那 is going next: indexing every form of an organization's functional data through LLMs to become the de-facto AI platform for the enterprise. 这类产品的用例是无穷无尽的,”NEA首席执行官斯科特·桑德尔说.

除了萨那的商业增长和雄心勃勃的团队, 顾客的拥护程度给NEA留下了深刻的印象. The platform is used by an impressive client roster of market-leading companies like Merck, Kry / Livi, Svea solar——他们都称赞萨那卓越的用户体验和产品速度.

“从第一天起, we've been amazed at 萨那's pace of innovation and commitment to addressing customer feedback. The platform is more than a tool—it's become Svea太阳能’s home for learning and knowledge. 我们将萨那 AI的最新迭代视为生产力游戏规则的改变者, 汉娜·曼伯格说, Svea太阳能的CHRO.

有了额外的资金, 萨那 will continue expanding its product development and commercial teams across Stockholm, 伦敦, 和纽约办事处. 萨那的总部仍将留在斯德哥尔摩, 创始人兼首席执行官乔尔·赫勒马克19岁时在那里创立了公司, 六年前他自学了C语言.

“乔尔是一位杰出的创始人. This Series B extension is a testament to his technical and commercial prowess and visionary leadership. 当我们进入bwin足球平台的新时代, we believe the 萨那 team is well positioned to become one of the world's most successful and impactful AI companies,菲利普·肖邦说, NEA UK董事总经理.


萨那是一个bwin足球平台学习平台,使组织能够找到, 分享, 并利用他们完成任务所需的知识. 得到了一些世界领先投资者的支持, 运营商, 和创始人, 萨那迄今已融资逾8500万美元. The company's headquarters are in Stockholm, Sweden, with offices in 伦敦 and New York. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 3t1r.cfematico.com.


New Enterprise Associates, Inc. (NEA) is a global venture capital firm focused on helping entrepreneurs build transformational businesses across multiple stages, 行业和地区. 成立于1977年, NEA管理着超过250亿美元的资产, 截至3月31日, 2023 and invests in technology and healthcare companies at all stages in a company’s lifecycle, 从种子期到IPO. The firm's long track record of investing includes more than 270 portfolio company IPOs and more than 450 mergers and acquisitions. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.恩颐投资.com.




Following 7x year-over-year growth, Menlo Ventures leads funding round to accelerate US expansion

今天, 萨那, 领先的bwin足球平台学习平台, 宣布完成由Menlo Ventures领投的3400万美元B轮融资. 现有投资者殷拓创投(EQT Ventures)也加入了这轮融资,其中包括几位创始人和运营商. Menlo Ventures的合伙人JP Sanday作为本轮融资的一部分加入了董事会. 这笔资金是在年度经常性收入(ARR)同比增长7倍之后获得的。.

萨那 was founded with the vision of leveraging artificial intelligence to help organizations learn and 分享 knowledge. 为此目的, 萨那 built a category-leading learning platform that enables organizations to consolidate their learning and capture, 组织, 并将他们所有的制度知识个性化.

From personalized learning recommendations to an AI writing assistant that automatically generates content, 萨那 applies the latest breakthroughs in AI to enhance and optimize the entire learning and knowledge-sharing journey.

萨那's AI-powered semantic search empowers employees to get the knowledge they need from anywhere in their organization. 该平台连接并索引Slack等工具, Salesforce, 概念, LinkedIn学习, and Google Workplace to provide employees with automatically generated answers in natural language. 其结果是:端到端平台减少了入职时间, 提高销售效率, 发展并留住顶尖人才.

“现在是一个价值300亿美元的产业, 学习和发展市场需要更复杂的工具. With a world-class product and incredible team, 萨那 is uniquely positioned to win the market. 他们为历史上服务不足的洛杉矶提供了两个重要的好处&D category: the scalability and efficiency of artificial intelligence and the compelling experience of a consumer-grade product,JP桑迪说, Menlo Ventures合伙人.

“我们服务的那些雄心勃勃的客户——像艾伦这样的开拓者, Svea太阳能, Kry / Livi, 和默克公司都肩负着改变世界的使命. 萨那’s job is to accelerate their efforts by ensuring every employee has access to the right knowledge at the right time. 利用bwin足球平台的力量, 萨那能够以前所未有的规模和速度解锁组织知识, 加强我们所服务的组织,乔尔·赫勒马克说, 萨那的创始人兼首席执行官.

萨那 is now the home for knowledge and learning at digital health company Alan—consolidating a myriad of learning and productivity tools. 今天, 艾伦用萨那来招募员工, 培训销售和客户支持代表, 培养他们的领导者.

“速度, 透明度, 和个人成长是艾伦文化的关键, 而萨那是唯一能够满足这三个需求的供应商. Since using the platform, we've decreased our ramp time while boosting learner engagement. We think 萨那 has set a new standard for what organizations expect from a learning platform. Their tech and UX have leapfrogged the industry," said Filip Lam, Head of People Growth at Alan.

有了新的资金, 萨那将扩大其产品开发,并在斯德哥尔摩扩大其团队, 伦敦, 和纽约办事处. 总部仍将设在斯德哥尔摩, 创始人兼首席执行官乔尔·赫勒马克19岁时在那里创立了公司, 六年前他自学了C语言.

“乔尔的远见卓识, 以及他罕见的技术娴熟和异常雄心勃勃的结合, 使他能够从一些最顶尖的科技公司中组建一支世界级的团队. 以学习为人类进步的基础, we believe team 萨那 has the potential to play an important role in reimagining learning as we know it,桑德拉·玛姆伯格说, 殷拓风险投资公司董事.

“我们的目标是建立一个互联网规模的亚历山大图书馆, 在那里,超过10亿人可以学习任何东西,分享他们所知道的一切,海勒马克说. "We're thrilled to have the support of Menlo Ventures and previous backers on this mission."


萨那是一个bwin足球平台学习平台,使组织能够找到, 分享, 并利用他们完成任务所需的知识. 得到了一些世界领先投资者的支持, 运营商, 和创始人, 到目前为止,萨那已经筹集了5400万美元. The company's headquarters are in Stockholm, Sweden, with offices in 伦敦 and New York.

关于Menlo Ventures

Menlo Ventures is a venture capital firm that strives to have a positive impact on everything we do. 这就是为什么我们支持包括Benchling在内的企业, 敲出和谐的声音, 自由的法令, Poshmark, 超级, 和Roku,它们正在重新构想更好的生活和工作. 超过43年, 我们的投资组合包括70多家上市公司, 超过100项并购, 和5美元.管理50亿美元. We invest at every stage and in every sector, with expertise in Consumer, Enterprise, and Healthcare. 从制定市场战略到创建社区, 我们在企业家最需要的地方提供真正的影响. 当我们进去的时候,我们都进去了. www.menlovc.com




萨那 Core简介
